Monday May 13, 2024

Transforming Surgery Departments with Mindfulness and Wellness with Jane Lodato

Jane Lodato currently serves as the Wellness Chief systemwide for Mount Sinai Surgery in New York City and has a private practice teaching and consulting clients throughout the U.S.

Having practiced and studied mindfulness meditation for 25 years, Jane is a graduate of the rigorous Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program sponsored by University of California Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center.  Jane is also certified as a Mindfulness Mentor with additional training focused on dealing with anxiety, fear, anger, and the neuroscience in retraining the brain.

Jane’s prior experience as an executive in global public corporations gave her firsthand experience and insight into the resilience required in fast-paced, high-stress environments. Having earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Oregon, Jane began a marketing career at Nike, went on to work at Apple, led ABC Television’s prime time advertising effort, became SVP of Marketing for Universal Studios Television, founded the Emmy Award-winning Sierra Club Productions, and was Head of Marketing of Silicon Valley Bank.

As a result of her background working with CEOs, Venture Capitalists and Boards, coupled with her experience in leadership and coaching individuals, Jane developed a proprietary form of secular Mindfulness training designed to provide tools to combat burnout and stress for individuals in high performance, demanding environments.

Jane began teaching surgery division chiefs and administrative leadership at Mount Sinai Hospital System in 2019. She continued to expand the program and offerings when New York hospitals were ravaged with the Covid virus. The Mount Sinai Department of Surgery created the Chief of Wellness position to bring Jane on board, where she is affectionately referred to as “The Surgeon Whisperer”!

Jane created systemwide departmental programs that enable clinicians and staff to effectively practice and work in a culture that prioritizes and promotes professional fulfillment and optimizes the function of the Department – with the goal to reduce turnover, burnout, medical and administrative error, and disruptive behavior - as well as to improve productivity and job satisfaction. She provides customized private and group mindfulness training, stress relief coaching, crisis intervention and conflict management support for individuals and groups. Jane incorporates holistic methodologies to include alternative practices that focus on the unique needs of each person, group, and organization.

Contact Jane Lodato

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